5 Things you can do to stay healthy at home with daily routine

                                Hello World!

              when gyms will open ? Oh no! I am getting fat day by day. If such questions are running in your head Or you are fitness conscious or lazy like me or want to stay healthy and fit. So you are at the right place .



 At this time, when gyms are closed and we are just eating, sitting, and sleeping. we need to focus much on our health where we are lagging. So let's get fit at home, instead of spending so much at gyms, we could get healthier at home also. The most important thing we require is self-motivation and I am going to provide you all the amazing tips that surely help you to stay healthy and fit . Fitness comes first.

`           5  Things You can do to stay healthy at home :

Eat healthily :

We all have cravings for junk food while being at home. Let's make a deal with our junkies. Can we have them without getting unfit? Wonder, how is it possible? 
Yes, it's possible. 
You can make a deal with junk food. so listen carefully, what it is?

Firstly, Count your calories before having anything. For this, you can download the calorie count application. And always follow your calorie intake like, if you have pizza than skip your 2 meals or eat something lite that will equate your excess calories taken previously.

Secondly, have homemade food by taking into consideration the food should be more healthy and good for your health. For Example:          

Instead of using refined oil use olive oil for cooking. Eat such things that benefit you as well as reduce your calorie consumption and keeps you fit and healthy.        


Thirdly, the most important advice for those who are junk food lovers but also wants to stay fit, even I am one of them, who wishes to eat without getting fat are you too one of them. If yes, so I have amazing advice for you guys. 

let's understand it with an example :

If you want to eat samosa (an Indian dish), instead of using Maida(refined flour), you can use

atta(wheat flour)or multigrain flour, and instead of frying, you can bake them with olive oil. They taste much better and it can also helps you to cut off those extra unnecessary calories. 

Exercise Regularly:

Exercise helps to shed off those unnecessary extra calories which are coagulated under your skin in the form of fat and cellulose. 

Waking up early in the morning is a very difficult task for many of us. Isn't so?

Yeah, so exercise early morning is quite impossible but you can do exercise when you wake up late or even in the evening. Due to a busy schedule, it is near impossible to find time for exercise in the evening. It happens with many of us.

No problem, you can exercise with your daily routine even those yoga postures can be done.


Again let me explain to you folk with the examples,

like if you want to pick something from the ground, so you can do Adho Mukho Svanasana or padangustasana.

Don't bend your knees and hold such posture for few seconds.

Another example, if you want to take out something from the height you can do tadasana and hold this posture for a few seconds.

And no time for walking, no worries. I will tell you how can you do this,

 Take romantic walks with your partner, even this will make your bond strong with each other, or don't use vehicles for short distances either walk or use cycle. Remember your childhood days when you used to cycle wasn't is so much fun.

Take your children with you for cycling  and you can do cycling race with them, it will even reduce your stress and improves your mental health as well. Play with children, seriously no one can compete with the energy level of the children.

so basically, make yoga and exercises the part of your daily routine activities.

Motivation :

Motivation is necessary for everything nothing can be achieved without motivation. And no one can motivate you better than you.

Self-motivation is a must for a healthy lifestyle. So, how one can do that, let me tell you but in my next blog. 

So guys, for now, it's all.

In my next blog going to tell you about the amazing hacks for self-motivation.


          ☺Don't forget to wear mask !☺❤


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